Samantha Jaques and I decorated a window display on the first floor of Human Ecology for our Fashion Promotion class!
Final Project Outcome
This final display was showcased inside of the Human Ecology building for the fall season! It was shown for Halloween, and the following three weeks after.
What I did
Sam and I planned out our design for the display together, and bought supplies and clothing to fit the theme. We then got together and worked collaboratively styling the mannequins, stringing streamers, blowing up balloons, tacking up tapestries and lights, and drawing extra decor for the display.
What I learned
This experience has granted me stronger abilities on styling collaboratively. We both had strong ideas for the display, and were able to combine them to create our final, fall wonderland! I’ve also learned how to properly tack clothing onto a mannequin, and work proactively under a tight deadline.