Project Portal

To list a project, simply complete and submit the form below. A member of the team will review your submission, reach out to discuss and gather additional information if necessary, share a draft for your review, and then publish your opportunity.

Whats your role at Oneonta?
Describe your project idea in 3-5 sentences.
Each project on the Portal has a teaser sentence that students see when exploring, so please write what you would like to appear when students browse for opportunities.
List the core partner(s) with whom the students will collaborate and communicate, if any. Links to organization websites, as well as organization descriptions, are helpful if they are available.
Describe your desired project outcome in 3-5 sentences.
Write a brief description of what you hope to learn from this experience.
Write a brief description of what you hope to do during this experience.
Is this project funded through the SUNY "Research and Creative Activities for Undergraduates Program?
Are you offering this project opportunity through a course?
What type of project is this?(Required)
Classify your project using one of the three engagement formats below.
Comma-separated list of related disciplines, i.e. ecology, kinesiology, writing, technology, etc.
Select the required grade level for student eligibility. (Select all that apply.)(Required)
Compensation (Select all that apply.)(Required)
Start Time (Select all that apply.)(Required)
Level of collaboration with other students.(Required)
Please be sure to include department(s) and any other relevant keywords.
Please upload a high-quality (high resolution) photo to appear at the top of your project profile.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 63 MB.
    For each photo uploaded, write a brief description.